Monday, January 4, 2016

To Light or Not To Light, That Is the Question…

A household electricity calculator is just a part of what SavvyOnWaste can provide you. We are prepared to give you the facts on all the types of utilities that you use in your home and what can be saved annually through modified habits or substituting for more energy efficient options. Here are a few parts of the home that are monitored through our utility estimates.

·         Plumbing – The plumbing portion of our report covers most outlets for using water in your home. This includes showers, baths, faucets (in every room) and toilets. It will consider the amount of water used in the home and how often each appliance is used. This can differ from home to home so many options are available for you to make choices so that the report will be as accurate as possible.

·         Electrical – A large amount of electrical utilities are used to obtain the information in the report. Appliances include fans, furnace, tank heaters, refrigerators, stoves, dryers, irons and lighting. The analysis gives suggestions to improve overall use of these items and how to modify them to possibly reduce energy cost. For example, purchasing florescent bulbs instead of incandescent would save you approximately 77% through decreased energy use.